1.1.4 Jailbreak and Unlock with ZiPhone

The Amazing Zibri has just released Ziphone 2.5 for Jailbreaking and Unlocking ANY iPhone version, including 1.1.4 !!

He says to first do a recovery mode restore with the new 1.1.4 Firmware (download link). Remember to remove the .zip ending of the file and leave it as .ipsw

Now here is the warning to skeptical people like myself. This version DOES downgrade your Bootloader from 4.6 to 3.9. There are conflicting reports on the web regarding the safety of this. Here is Zibri’s statement.

Do not fear 3.9BL!
It’s perfectly safe.
4.6 is the real downgrade.

So downgrade at your own risk. I know that when I recently jailbroke and unlocked my 1.1.3 16 GB iPhone OTB, I used iJailbreak 0.5.3 and my Bootloader is still 4.6. It will be interesting to see whether or not the iJailbreak update expected soon will also downgrade your bootloader. I think generally people would like to have the option whether or not to change something that is unchangeable. Everything you do to the iPhone in these processes can be erased by full restore from recovery mode. However, my understanding from reading blogs is that a downgrade of your booloader can NOT be undone. Regardless, since Apple has iPhones with 3.9 BL, you can still Restore the phone to look like it’s brand new, it will just have the wrong BL. Can they figure this out?, probably. Would they try to?, who knows. So you can be skeptical, or take Zibri’s advice and “Do not fear 3.9BL!, 4.6 is the real downgade!”

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